Barrick Lab :: Laboratory Protocols

Updating Protocols

Lab Organization

  • Lab Notebooks
    Best practices for planning and recording your science.
  • Strain Database
    How to search and enter samples in the lab database.

Lab Stocks and General Practices

PCR and Sequencing

Genetic Modification and Cloning

Mutation Rates, Growth Rates and Evolutionary Stability


Genome Resequencing and Mutation Validation

Experimental Evolution

Microplate Reader, Flow Cytometry, and Cell Sorting

Nucleic Acid Preparation, RNA-Seq, qPCR

Protein Expression and Purification

in vitro Enzyme Activity Assays

Working with Unusual Microbes

Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1

Working with Insects

Useful Resources

This topic: Lab > WebHome > ProtocolList
Topic revision: r266 - 2024-07-09 - IsaacGifford