Protocol Updates Needed
- Add a page with standard plate reader settings for different fluorophores (with citations)
- Also explain setting the gain!
- Add a page describing tools for plotting and fitting growth curves
- Standard PCR – add troubleshooting information here?
- Page with books/resources for students joining the lab? (Lucio)
- Similar page for those wanting to prepare for iGEM participation – I'm getting questions about what new synthetic biologists should read...
- Nuke most topics under computation and many under reference (Dan)
- Link all the golden gate materials (and work on general GGA materials)
- Merge gel electrophoresis content (Isaac)
- PCR Troubleshooting Materials (Anthony, Cameron, Jack, PJ)
- Migrate LTEE stuff to LTEE website (Jeff)
- Improve conjugation materials (Kadena). Improve 'working with S Alvi' page. (Tyler)
Barrick Lab > ProtocolList > ProtocolUpdatesNeeded
Contributors to this topic
JeffreyBarrick, DanielDeatherage, SeanLeonard, CraigBarnhart, JordanMonk, AurkoDasgupta, AlvaroRodriguez, LindseyWolf, SimonDAlton, CameronRoots, SimonDOelsnitz
Topic revision: r30 - 2023-09-21 - 02:11:54 - Main.JeffreyBarrick