Barrick Lab :: Home

We are broadly interested in understanding evolution as a creative force. Our lab primarily uses experiments with microorganisms and molecules to watch evolution in action. We also use the tools of synthetic biology and bioengineering to manipulate and study evolutionary processes.

Some areas of focus are:
   Bug Evolving and engineering insect symbionts
   Statistics Genome dynamics in long-term evolution experiments
   Download Evolving and engineering naturally transformable bacteria
   Gear Improving the reliability of synthetic biology

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Contributors to this topic Edit topic JeffreyBarrick, PeterThoeny, MichaelHammerling, TWikiContributor, CraigBarnhart, AustinMeyer, AurkoDasgupta, AlvaroRodriguez, BrianRenda, KateElston, GabrielSuarez, IsaacGifford
Topic revision: r120 - 2024-08-05 - 00:15:25 - Main.JeffreyBarrick
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