Checking Transformation Efficiency of Chemically Competent Cells
Adapted from
Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual 3rd Ed., Sambrook and Russell (2001)
- Shaking Incubator or Shaking Platform and 1L flask clamps
- 42°C Heating Bath or Block
- 37°C Incubator
- Colony Counter
- Agar plates with appropriate antibiotic
Buffers and Solutions
- Competent cells prepared using the Inoue method or another method
- 10pg / μL solution of a standard plasmid (e.g. pUC19)
- SOC Medium
- Transform 10 pg of a standard plasmid (e.g. pUC19) in 50 µL of cells using the standard transformation protocol.
- Plate 50 µL of transformed cells in triplicate on appropriate antibiotic
- Grow plates overnight, and count colonies the next morning
- Average colony counts for the three plates; efficiency = (average # colonies) x 106 cfu / μg
- Expected efficiency for chemically competent cells prepared by the Inoue protocol is 1-3 x 108 colonies / μg of plasmid
Contributors to this topic
KateElston, JeffreyBarrick
Topic revision: r3 - 2021-07-05 - 20:39:06 - Main.JeffreyBarrick