Site-directed mutagenesis protocol (adapted from QuickChange)

A protocol for changing one (or a few) bases on a plasmid


Primer Design:

Use the following website to design the QuickChange primers:


  • Thermocycler
  • 37°C Incubator


  • PCR tubes
  • Reagents in table below
  • Dpn1 restriction enzyme (to remove template from rnx)

Buffers and Solutions:

QuickChange rxn:

Reagent Amount / L
DNA template (~5ng/µl) 2.0 µl
5x HF buffer 10 µl
10 mM dNTPs 1 µl
10µM Forward Primer 2.5 µl
10µM Forward Primer 2.5 µl
100% DMSO 2.5 µl
50 mM MgCl2 1 µl
Phusion Polymerase 0.5 µl
H2O 28 µl
TOTAL 50 µl


Thermocycler settings:
  1. ) 98C 30 sec
  2. ) 98C 30 sec
  3. ) 55C 1 min (can be empirically optimized)
  4. ) 72F 1 min/kb (can change time for your polymerase of choice)
    • repeat steps 2-4 x12-18
  5. ) hold at 10C

add 1µl Dpn1 to each tube and mix thoroughly. Incubate for 1hr at 37C (thermocycler or incubator). Proceed to transformation or store at -20C.

-- Main.MattMcGuffie - 25 Oct 2018

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Contributors to this topic Edit topic MattMcGuffie
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-10-25 - 20:12:41 - Main.MattMcGuffie
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