Recent Changes in Lab Web retrieved at 14:33 (GMT)

Competition Assays for Evolvability Lines Serial transfer of 3.5 ...
Materials Description Cat # Price Qiagen RNeasy Protect Bacteria Mini Kit (50) 74524 $386.00 Invitrogen Superscript Plus Indirect cDNA Labeling...
ELUTION of OLIGOS FROM PAGE GEL Crush Soak Eluting DNA/RNA from PAGE or denaturing PAGE Materials Crush Soak Buffer (CSB) 200mM NaCl , 10 mM tris HCl (pH 7....
Changing Environment Long Term General Procedures Inoculating Tubes To start an experiment, obtain 98 test tubes. Split the test tubes into two racks, 49 in each...
Mutation Rates from Genome Resequencing Motivation: You have re sequenced several genomes after a mutation accumulation or adaptive evolution experiment. How do...
ASKA Collection Evolution Experiment Starting Lines 1 Revive each strain by inoculating a scrape of frozen culture from a well of a microplate into 3 ml of 0.1x...
Using Emulsions to Select by Yield Background Evolution in suspension culture proceeds by selecting for those strains that grow most rapidly, quickly depleting the...
Using the Deep 96 Well Pin Tool The 96 well pin tool can be used to transfer long term evolution experiments and to make dilutions when plating many samples. Although...
The Checklist for Plating Competitions Before plating, it is important to transfer and mix correctly from the competition plates. The following are guidelines...
The Checklist for Plating Competitions Before plating, it is important to transfer and mix correctly from the competition plates. The following are guidelines...
Packaging a Tool for Release You need these environmental variables set to work with the current CVS setup: export CVSROOT `` export...
Lambda Red Protocol Lambda Red Plasmids These plasmids are available as part of the Lambda Red disruption kit from the E. coli Genetic Stock Center. pKD...
Gene replacement using pKOV vector Before beginning part 1: design primers 1 Insert should be ~1kb with approximately 500bp on either side of mutation, without...
Day 1: Plating the Mixed Population 1. Find microsatellite containing strains in the 80...
Bacterial Mutation Accumulation Experiments Background Mutation accumulation (MA) experiments involve periodically bottlenecking a population such that evolution...
Barrick Lab :: Previous Research Identifying Mutations that Promote Bacterial Evolvability Epistasis Poker. Early draws of cards that are more beneficial to...
Presentation List 2010 03 17 MSU GEDD Next Gen.pdf: 2010 03 17 MSU GEDD Next Gen.pdf
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in the Barrick Lab Earliest Start Date: June 2011 Status: OPEN Posted March, 16, 2011 A position is open for a postdoctoral...
Barrick Lab :: News Archive August 2014: Graduate student Michael Hammerling is awarded a UT Graduate School Named Continuing Fellowship. April 2014: Graduate...
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Michael Hammerling Michael Hammerling MichaelHammerling 22 Nov 2011
Megaprimer whole plasmid cloning aka MEGAWHOP cloning aka Overlap Extension PCR cloning We describe two approaches to MEGAWHOP in this protocol page. Approach...
Liquid Nitrogen, Dry Ice, CO2 The dry ice and liquid nitrogen are contained in room 1.122. Follow the instructions on the computer in 1.122 to log quantity of dry...
Barrick Lab :: Links Advice for graduate students (Saw this linked by Cooper) for Young Scientists (Andrew Hendry) Serial Mentor (Claus Wilke`s Blog...
To Do Receive equipment and find locations to store items EHS inspection Find out about material sample transfer process CraigBarnhart 09 Feb 2011
Interested in research in the Barrick lab? We are always looking for outstanding undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs who are interested in experimental...
Barrick Lab Journal Club Archive April 13, 2015 Dacia : Reijns, Martin A M, Harriet Kemp, James Ding, Sophie Marion de Proc...
Introduction to Experimental Design Motivation Whether for just a summer or for the duration of an entire Ph.D project, working on a scientific problem is a process...
Naturally Transformable Bactera Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 Overview History Physiology Molecular Biology Natural Competence Deinococcus radiodurans R1 Overview...
How to clean glassware Small flasks (50 ml) The 50 ml flasks are used in quantity in many experiments and need to be cleaned and sterilized on a regular basis. Summary...
Former Front Page Images Genome dynamics in experimental evolution Read article at NRG Flying Spaghetti Monster meet syntheticbiology? Caffeine addicted E. coliSupport...
Fortessa Flow Cytometry The Fortessa is a shared resource through the microscopy core. If you want to use it you need to get access to it you should flow the...
Plate 1: Single Carbon Sources, Glucose and Glycerol Timescale 1 1 D Glucose 2 2 Glycerol 3 3 D Ribose 4 4 Pyruvate 5 5 L...
Erratum for Woods et al. Science 2011 R. J. Woods, J. E. Barrick, T. F. Cooper, U. Shrestha, M. R. Kauth, and R. E. Lenski, Science 331 :1433 (2011). The main...
Contacts Campus Resources The following services may be able to help fix anything from a Faulty Freezer to a Questionable Qubit. Facilities. Have refrigerator and...
Education 2006 Ph.D, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (MB B), Yale University 2001 B.S., Chemistry, California Institute of Technology.
Denaturing Formaldehyde Gels for Verifying RNA size RNA can be sized correctly on an agarose gel. However, it needs to be denatured and then remain denatured during...
Barrick Lab :: Contact Information Jeffrey E. Barrick, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biosciences The University of Texas at Austin Office...
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Chemical List Fisher supplied item name item # size/qty CAS Chemalert storage code Agar BP1423 2 2 kg 9002 18 0 gray...
Installing breseq on TACC Ranger Set up modules There seem to be compiler bugs with later versions of GCC and mixing Boost compiled with those later versions of...
Breseq Developer Notes In addition to the normal prerequisites for breseq , you will also need updated versions of these tools to work on breseq development. On...
Autoclave Sterilization Overview Autoclaves heat their contents to 121...
Measuring the Rate of Attrition in Frozen or Cooled Samples Plates stored at 4C 1. Day 1: Inoculate strain in approximately 5mL of LB in shaking incubator at 30C...
Be who you are and say what you want, because those who mind don`t matter and those who matter don`t mind. Dr. Seuss
Liquid Media LB 6 x 500ml DM 6 x 1000ml, 6 x 500ml Saline 4 x 1000ml Sterile H2O 6 x 500ml 80% glycerol 6 x 250ml Solid Media LB...

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