Barrick Lab :: News Archive

Award August 2014: Graduate student Michael Hammerling is awarded a UT Graduate School Named Continuing Fellowship.
Changes April 2014: Graduate student Gabriel "Gabo" Suarez passes his Part A Exam.
Yes / Done February 2014: Our work evolving bacteriophage T7 on a host with an expanded genetic code is published in Nature Chemical Biology.
July 2013: Graduate student Mike Hammerling's work featured in BEACON blog post.
June 2013: Postdoc Dr. Dan Deatherage's work featured in IDT's DECODED newsletter. Article Link
Persons June 2013: Postdoc Dr. Colin Brown joins the lab.
Changes May 2013: Graduate students Michael Hammerling and Brian Renda pass their Part B Exams and are admitted to candidacy.
Persons April 2013: Graduate student Gabriel Suarez and postdoc Dr. Dennis Mishler join the lab.
March 2013: Paper describing "addicted" E. coli that can be used for decaffeination and measuring the caffeine content of beverages published in ACS Synthetic Biology. Radio Interview | Slate Video | En Espaņol
January 2013: Dr. Barrick appears in the Introduction to BEACON video which explains the goals of this multi-institution NSF center to study evolution in action.
December 2012: The Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) funds research in the Barrick lab to study "Deep sequencing oncoviral evolvomes as a personalized cancer diagnostic tool".
November 2012: UT Austin iGEM team wins Best Measurement award at regional competition and advances to the world championship for their project involving addicting E. coli to caffeine. They make a case for updating assembly standards for Gibson assembly amid some controversy about their refactored decaffeination operon not being accepted as a BioBrick.
Puzzle October 2012: A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the Barrick lab for projects that combine deep sequencing with synthetic biology and experimental evolution or in vitro selection. View Job Posting (121003010712) Update: This position has been filled.
Yes / Done September 2012: Our work on the genomics underlying the evolution of a rare metabolic innovation (aerobic citrate utilization) in the Lenski long-term E. coli evolution experiment is published in Nature. Article | News and Views | Carl Zimmer Blog
Changes September 2012: Graduate student Lindsey Wolf passes Part B Exam and is admitted to candidacy.
August 2012: Intro to Next-Gen Sequencing Bioinformatics Course encore performance. Visit the class Wiki for tutorials and information.
August 2012: Alvaro Rodriguez has been awarded a graduate scholarship from CONACYT to study thermal cycling and deep sequencing of deoxyribozyme in vitro selection experiments.
July 2012: Work by programmer Aaron Reba and Ph.D student Austin Meyer receives best paper award in the ALife 13 Synthetic Biology track: "Computational tests of a thermal cycling strategy to isolate more complex functional nucleic acid motifs from random sequence pools by in vitro selection"
May 2012: Dr. Barrick and Dr. Hunicke-Smith with Geoff Colburn, Aaron Reba, Vinicio Reynoso, Anna Battenhouse, and Daechan Park teach Intro to Next-Gen Sequencing Bioinformatics Course as part of the Summer Statistics Institute. Visit the class Wiki for tutorials and information.
Changes May 2012: Graduate students Neil Gottel, Vinicio Reynoso, and Alvaro Rodriguez join the lab.
April 2012: Welch Foundation funds 3-year research project: "Discovering functional nucleic acid families by deep sequencing and fold sampling"
March 2012: Article by graduate student Lindsey Wolf in Microbe Magazine: "Tracking Winners and Losers in E. coli Evolution Experiments"
January 2012: Read summaries of Synthetic Biology topics written by students in Dr. Barrick's course (CH391L).
Read about our research in an article on the BEACON blog. Lessons in bacterial evolvability from eventual winners
News: The Barrick lab is involved in two projects funded by the NSF BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action. Genomic mechanisms underlying increased virulence in Campylobacter jejuni with Titus Brown and Linda Mansfield at Michigan State University and Contemporary evolution of cyanobacteria and viruses: implications for marine nutrient recycling with Jay Lennon and Chris Klausmeier at the MSU Kellogg Biological Station.
News: The Barrick Lab has completed its move to The University of Texas at Austin. Visit us in MBB 1.436. «Full Contact Information»
Presentation: "Re-sequencing hundreds of E. coli genomes: finding non-SNP mutations, analyzing mixed populations, and knowing what you don't know" given at MSU for the GEDD next-gen sequencing seminar series on 2010-03-19. PDF
News: Two undergraduates I mentor win first-place prizes at the 2010 MSU UURAF for their posters! Congratulations to James Dittmar for Mutator Alleles May Still Fix Late in Evolution and Mark Kauth for Evolution of E. coli in Changing Environments.
News: I have accepted an assistant professor position in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The University of Texas at Austin and will be starting my lab there in January 2011. «Official Announcement»
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