Description |
Cat # |
Price |
Qiagen RNeasy Protect Bacteria Mini Kit (50) |
74524 |
$386.00 |
Invitrogen Superscript Plus Indirect cDNA Labeling System (30) |
The Qiagen kit contains enough RNA protect reagent for processing 100 ml of culture.
RNA Isolation
- Revive and precondition cultures to be tested.
- Add 100 µl of overnight culture to 10 ml of fresh media (DM100) in 50 ml flask.
- Growth for approximately 5-6 hrs for REL606/607 or evolved strains or 6-7 hrs for RifR ancestors with large fitness defects.
- Quickly take a small aliquot from each sample for measuring in the spectrophotometer and return cultures to incubator. Measure OD600. When harvesting, the OD600 should be approximately 0.5-0.6 to get exponential phase RNA. The final OD in this media after 24 hrs of growth reaches approximately 0.16.
- Take 8 ml of remaining culture. This will contain approximately 5 x 108 cells. Divide equally into two 15 ml conical tubes. Add 2x volume of RNA protect reagent to each.
- Follow remaining steps of RNeasy Mini kit protocol for processing 5 x 108 cells.
RNA Quality Check
At the CAFG, use the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer to check the quality of RNA samples. There are twelve samples per $30 chip. Select the "Bacterial RNA assay option". The ratio of the 16S RNA to 23S RNA peaks should be 1.9 in a high quality sample.
cDNA Synthesis
- Use only random hexamers.
- Save 1/10 reaction before every purification step.
RNA Labeling
RNA Hybridization
Slide Scanning
Topic revision: r2 - 2009-07-09 - 21:45:28 - Main.JeffreyBarrick