TA: Tetrazolium Sugar (TA, TM, TL, ...)

Combine in a 1 L flask:

500 mL Component
5 g Tryptone
500 mg Yeast Extract
2.5 g NaCl
8 g Agar
500 µL 5% Antifoam
Add dH2O to 433.33 mL.

Combine in a 125 ml flask:

500 mL Component
5 g Sugar (arabinose = TA, maltose = TM, lactose = TL)
Add dH2O to 66.67 mL.

Cover each flask with foil, and autoclave sugar and media separately. Total combined volume will be 500 mL.

Combine the autoclaved sugar and media solutions and add:

500 mL Component
500 µL 5% (w/v) Triphenyl Tetrazolium chloride (TTC), filter sterilized, stored at 4°C

Source: Lenski Lab Protocol

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Contributors to this topic Edit topic JeffreyBarrick, CraigBarnhart, JordanMonk, AlexaMorton
Topic revision: r8 - 2025-01-09 - 20:04:48 - Main.AlexaMorton
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