SOB/SOC: Super Optimal Broth

For SOB:

250mL 1L Final [ ] Component
1.25 g 5 g 0.5% yeast extract
5 g 20 g 2.0% tryptone
0.125 g 0.5 g 10 mM NaCl
0.042 g* 0.186 g 2 mM KCl
0.6 g 2.4 g 20 mM MgSO4 (anhydrous)

*Don't measure; it's just a pinch.

Adjust to pH 7.5 with 1M NaOH.

Note: 250 ml of SOC makes 25 vials of 10 ml each.

For 1 L: Add 800 ml of dH2O and dissolve components. Adjust to pH 7.5 prior to use with 1 M NaOH (approximately 25 ml). Add dH2O to a final volume 1 L.


For SOC (=SOB+glucose):
Make SOB, except add dH2O to a final volume of 960 ml instead of 1 L. Autoclave. When solution has cooled to 50°C (cool enough to touch with bare hands for a few seconds), add 40 ml of sterile 10% (w/v) glucose. (That's a final concentration of 0.4% glucose.)

For the 10 ml vials, add 200 µl of sterile 10% glucose.

Generally when making stocks of SOC it is advisable to make up multiple 125 of 250ml bottles. This media is extremely rich and can contaminate easily (smaller volumes tend to be pulled from it repeatedly with pipettes, which increases the chances of contamination over time).

Note: Some recipes for SOB use 10 mM MgSO4 and 10 mM MgCl.

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Contributors to this topic Edit topic SophiaLin, JeffreyBarrick, KateElston, CraigBarnhart, AlvaroRodriguez
Topic revision: r7 - 2024-09-10 - 21:26:07 - Main.SophiaLin
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