1416: 4-hydroxybenzoic acid medium (for JJ-1b, Bacillus sp.)

1L 4L Component
4.25 g 17.0 g Potassium Phosphate (dibasic) K2HPO4 trihydrate
1.00 g 4.00 g Sodium Phosphate (monobasic) NaH2PO4 monohydrate
2.00 g 8.00 g Ammonium chloride NH4Cl
0.20 g 0.40 g Magnesium Sulfate MgSO4 heptahydrate
12.0 mg 48.0 mg Ferrous Sulfate FeSO4 heptahydrate
3.00 mg 12.0 mg Manganese Sulfate MnSO4 monohydrate
3.00 mg 12.0 mg Zinc Sulfate ZnSO4 heptahydrate
1.00 mg 4.00 mg Cobalt (II) Sulfate CoSO4
0.10 g 0.40 g Nitrilotriacetic acid *
1.00 g 4.00 g 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid *

* Dissolve these components in water made alkaline with concentrated NaOH before adding other components.

Adjust medium for final pH 7.2, +/- 0.2. Autoclave for at least 15 minutes.

If plates needed, add 15.0 g of agar per liter to the above recipe.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2013-06-24 - 17:50:39 - Main.CraigBarnhart
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