| Warning! This page is under construction. The instructions are currently not complete! |
Mutual Information Support for RNA Secondary Structure Models
Predicting base interactions in RNA structures from the phylogenetic-significance of mutual information between columns.
Overview: What do these programs do?
Compile modified version of rate4site
The program
rate4site is used to infer a phylogenetic tree with per-site substitution rates that generates the observed sequence alignment. In order to properly function on RNA alignments,
rate4site required a minor source code modification to deal with gap characters as a separate state. For convenience, I have included this modification on the latest source release for download here.
The included Makefile is for compiling under Windows. To compile use this command instead:
g++ -Dunix -o rate4site.exe -O3 *.cpp
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-12-18 - 15:53:02 - Main.JeffreyBarrick