Using APE

If APE is not currently installed on this computer, search APE plasmid on google, and download the software for the appropriate system.

APE can open the .seq and .ab1 files in which sequencing results are typically formatted.

Blasting Two Sequences

Open two sequences on APE, then select Tools, Align Two Sequences. The alignment read use red highlighting wherever bases don't properly match up. Double-clicking on any base pair will bring up the sequence page for that strand with the cursor at the location that corresponds to the clicked base. On the sequence page, going to Feature, New Feature allows the highlighting and annotating of certain regions, making it much easier to remember where important sequences are and why they are important. Remember that APE can also save these annotated files, so that the modified versions can be easily referenced in the future.

-- Main.AurkoDasgupta - 08 Jul 2011

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Topic revision: r1 - 2011-07-08 - 18:47:30 - Main.AurkoDasgupta
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