DR: Defined minimal media for D. radiodurans

250 ml 500 ml Component
50 ml 100 ml 5x M9 salts
250 ul 500 ul 5mM MnCl2
250 ul 500 ul 0.8M MgCl2
250 ul 500 ul 0.18 M CaCl2
2.5 ml 5 ml Syringe filtered Vitamins Mix
500 ul 1 ml Syringe filtered Amino Acid mix (see below)
Add dH2O to final volume.
Note: All components are either pre-sterilized or syringe filtered so the only things that need to be autoclaved are the receiving bottle and the added water.

To prepare the amino acids:

Amount Amino Acid
1 g L-Cys
0.5 g L-His
0.5 g L-Met
Dissolve these amino acids in 40 ml of dH2O
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Topic revision: r1 - 2011-07-29 - 15:00:39 - Main.CraigBarnhart
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