Blood - Heart Infusion Agar

Heart Infusion Agar supplemented with sterile Sheep's Blood. Used for the cultivation of fastidious organisms (Bee gut microbiome species et al)

1L Component
44 g Heart Infusion Agar (HIA) (Difco brand)
50mL Sterile Sheep's Blood

Autoclave water and media (without blood) on a 20min liquid cycle. Transfer autoclaved media to hot water bath at 55 deg Celsius. Allow to equilibrate for 30mins to 1hr. Add 100mL blood (using PipetAid) and stir to mix (a stir bar isn't necessary, but do not shake). Smooth, small circles while the bottle is on a flat surface is sufficient to mix the blood and warm agar. Add necessary antibiotics and supplements (remember the volume is now 1100 mL, not 1 L) and pour into plates.

As with other agar, after autoclaving the HIA you can let it solidify at room temperature. After microwaving to dissolve, it still needs to be cooled before adding blood.

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Contributors to this topic Edit topic SeanLeonard, JeffreyBarrick
Topic revision: r3 - 2017-05-15 - 18:34:56 - Main.SeanLeonard
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