Recent Changes in Lab Web retrieved at 10:19 (GMT)

NGS Data Retrieval Overview This is a series of commands to download NGS data from the GSAF and back it up. Make sure you make it all the way through the steps to...
Setting up SSH Public Key Authentication These instructions will allow you to connect as user1 on machine FROM to user2 on machine TO without typing your password...
Running an SDS PAGE Gel: Note that the following uses pre cast gels and pre made running buffer, see accessory protocols NotDoneYetDudez for casting gels and making...
Running breseq on TACC Installing breseq on stampede for mac Open a new terminal window and use the following commands: 1 ssh into stampede and set up folder...
Resuspending Primers 1 Your primers will arrive as a lyophilized film at the bottom of a cryo tube. To use them, you must resuspend them in autoclaved dH2O....
Restriction Enzyme Cloning Restriction enzyme cloning is a bread and butter technique in molecular biology for modifying plasmids to contain genes or other DNA sequences...
YPS Medium 1L 1.5L Component 3.0 g 4.5 g Yeast Extract 3.0 g 4.5 g Peptone 2.0 mL 3.0 mL 1 M Magnesium sulfate 2....
TA: Tetrazolium Sugar (TA, TM, TL, ...) Combine in a 2 L flask: 1.5L Component 15 g Tryptone 1.5 g Yeast Extract 7.5 g NaCl...
TGY Medium 1L 5L Component 5 g 25 g Pancreatic digest of casein 5 g 25 g Yeast Extract 1g 5 g Glucose 1 g 5 g...
Stab Agar Making agar stabs for storage and transport of bacterial strains. 1L Component 10 g Tryptone 5 g Yeast extract 10 g Sodium...
Sterile Saline Purpose: Used make dilutions of viable cells for plating or transfer to new media. This saline concentration of 0.85% w/v (145 mM) is suitable for...
S2 Used for Acinetobacter Recipe for 900mL (Autoclave in three separate bottles 300mL each) Bottle 1 (Erlenmeyer flask: 300mL) 300mL Component...
RCV Medium RCV is a complex media consisting of 3 different sub components that must be prepared ahead of time if they are not already made. Main recipe 1L...
R2A R2A is a medium that can be used to grow a wide variety of soil microbes. 1L 5L Component 0.5 g 2.5 g Yeast Extract 0.5 g...
MG: Minimal Glucose agar, aka DM: Davis Mingioli agar Note: When making these plates it is necessary to prepare and autoclave the 3 main parts (salts, agar, and sugar...
MC: Minimal Citrate Prepared the same as MG: Minimal Glucose with the following changes: No glucose 4.5 g/L Sodium Citrate (trisodium, dihydrate)
M9 Minimal Medium 1L Component 6 g Sodium phosphate dibasic (anhydrous), Na2HPO4 3 g Potassium phosphate monobasic, KH2PO4 0.5 g...
M9 Minimal Media Plates As with DM and MG media, make sure to autoclave the agar and phosphate separately. For 1 liter of media: 1L Component 6 g...
LB: Lysogeny Broth / Luria Bertani (Miller) Agar Combine in a 2 L flask the following: 1.5L Component 15 g Tryptone 7.5 g Yeast Extract...

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