Predicting Riboswitch Regulation on a Genomic Scale
This page describes how to install a set of Perl scripts designed to identify members of known
riboswitch classes in genomic sequences. It accompanies a
Methods in Molecular Biology protocol chapter that explains how to use these scripts. This protocol may also be useful for analyzing other structured RNAs, such as those found in the
Rfam database, or for investigating new regulatory RNA motifs, such as might be predicted by
Code Libraries
libGD is required to produce drawings of the genomic contexts of putative RNA structure matches. Download and install according to the directions on your system.
Perl Modules
Several additional Perl modules from are required for the riboswitch perl scripts. You can download and install them directly from
CPAN. Alternately, on MacOS X, you can use the following command sequence:
>sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
>Password: ********
>install Storable
>install GD
The GD module requires libGD to be installed and is only necessary for producing genomic context drawings. If you encounter any other messages of the form: "Can't locate
@INC", try installing
from CPAN.
As of December 2007, neither the stable nor development releases of BioPerl (1.4.0 or 1.5.2) includes the necessary modules for parsing Infernal search results or manipulating Stockholm alignments. Therefore, you will need to download and install the current CVS version of
bioperl-live. Either follow the
Getting BioPerl instructions or try this link to
download directly.
Riboswitch Perl Scripts
Download the riboswitch Perl scripts.
version 1 |
6 January 2008 |
Each Perl script has POD documentation. Either open the script a text editor to view it or use one of these commands
> perldoc
> --man
Questions, comments, or problems with this procedure?
Send feedback