import SeqIO with open('/my/path/','r') as file_handle: record_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(file_handle, 'gb')) gbkFile = record_dict[list(record_dict.keys())[0]] # the above is if there is only 1 record in the GBK file # if multiple files are in the record, such as a genome&plas, # this will only extract the first record
import SeqIO fastaList = list(SeqIO.parse("path/file.fasta", "fasta"))
import SeqIO SeqIO.write(seqRecordObj_or_list,'/my/path/file.gbk', 'gb')
import SeqIO SeqIO.write(seqRecordObj_or_list,'/my/path/file.fasta', 'fasta')
from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord import subprocess from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import pandas as pd def BLAST(seq, db = 'path/to/db', Type = "blastn"): # 'seq' is a sequence (as a str) of a protein or nucleotide sequence # 'db' points to location of local BLAST database # 'type' specifies the type of BLAST (e.g. 'n', 'p', 'x', etc) query = NamedTemporaryFile() tmp = NamedTemporaryFile() SeqIO.write(SeqRecord(Seq(seq), id="temp"),, "fasta") flags = 'qstart qend sseqid sframe pident slen sseq length sstart send qlen' # 'flags' specifies the specific outputs for 'output format 6' in the BLAST CL software extras = "-max_target_seqs 20000 -culling_limit 10 -perc_identity 75" # 'extras' are further flags that can be called on the CL #the actual CL BLAST (f'{Type} -query {} -out {} ' f'-db {db} {extras} -outfmt "6 {flags}"'), shell=True) with open(, "r") as file_handle: #opens BLAST file align = file_handle.readlines() tmp.close() query.close() df = pd.DataFrame([ele.split() for ele in align], columns = flags.split()) df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore') # puts the output of BLAST into a tidy Pandas dataframe return df
Barrick Lab > ComputationList > ProtocolsPythonSnippets