Sensaphone Protocol

The sensaphone is the alarm monitor connected to both of the -80C freezers in MBB. Below is an overview of the current settings and the expected time line in the event of a qualifying problem. The bottom of the page includes the digital manual for all information related to sensaphone.
  1. An alarm condition exists for either freezer for 3 seconds or longer triggering an alarm with the sensaphone.
    • Once the alarm is triggered it has to be acknowledged, even if the problem correct's itself
    • Example: Power goes out in MBB and the backup generators do kick on for 65 seconds. 60 seconds after power goes out the freezer will go into an alarm mode. 3 seconds later this will trigger the sensaphone alarm. The backup power kicks on 2 seconds later. 3 minutes later, the sensaphone begins making phone calls saying there was an alarm but is currently "OK".
  2. Sensaphone waits 3 minutes for someone to acknowledge the alarm locally.
    1. This is done by pressing the large red 'alarm/cancel' button on the sensaphone unit. This can be done at anytime to stop the phonecalls from going out.
  3. Assuming alarm is not acknowledged, the sensaphone calls the next person on the list and plays a recording 3 times describing where the problem is.
    1. At the end of the recording the sensaphone prompts for and gives 10 seconds to enter the acknowledgement code. The code is "555"
      NOTE The acknowledgment code is not on the recording.
    2. After a second prompting for the acknowledgment code, the sensaphone will disconnect the call. Anyone can call (512) 471-3344 and enter "555" to stop the phone calls from going out.
  4. The sensaphone waits 5 minutes before placing a call to the next person on the list as above.
  5. The process repeats until the alarm is acknowledged or a total of 100 is made.

The call list order is currently:

  • Jack
  • Jeff
  • Victor
  • Isaac

Qualifying problems:

  • Temperature rises above -65C.
  • Temperature falls below -90C.
  • Loss of power for more than 60 seconds.
Non-Qualifying problem of note:
  • Door being left ajar. While the alarm will sound locally for the freezer itself, it will not trigger a call regardless of if the alarm is "silenced" on the freezer.

MBB Freezer Failure

There is a backup -80 located in Equipment Room 2.132. If you need to use it please make sure all of your materials are properly labeled. Please post your lab / contact information on the front of the freezer, email building manager Dwaine Benson ( letting him know that you are using the freezer and what the anticipated use time will be.

If we need to move our items to any freezer follow the procedure outlined below:

1. Affix a label to the outside of the freezer stating which shelf(ves) you are using.
2. Label your materials.
3. Be aware that as the door will be opened continually it will go into alarm, which will be received by the alarm monitoring shop.
4. Please call them BEFORE you start the transfer of materials at 471-3935 to warn them that they needn't therefore call Dwaine (building manager) at 2:00 in the morning.

5-16-14 According to Rob the outgoing phone number for the MBB freezer is (512) 471-3344.
10-8-15 Verified as phone number

Preventive maintenance

Try to minimize the amount of time that the freezer door is open; if necessary, remove the rack or box from freezer, close door, find your stuff, and return rack/box to freezer.

Maintenance checklist

Action Monthy Yearly
Check and clean probe cover, gaskets, hinges and lid(s) of ice and snow yes  
Check air filter yes  
Check condenser fan motor for unusual motor noise or vibration   yes

To clean lid gasket use a soft cloth to remove any frost build-up from the gasket, sub-lids and lids. Replace and clean lids. To clean lids use warm water to remove ice and allow to dry.

To clean air filter and/or condenser use a vacuum to remove any dust from the filter/condenser fins. Use care not to damage the condenser fins.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Sensaphone-400_Manual_v1.5.1_WEB.pdf r1 manage 4804.6 K 2020-07-21 - 14:02 DanielDeatherage manual for sensaphone. digital copy of same thing as in folder attached to wall under sensaphone in a lab
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Contributors to this topic Edit topic DanielDeatherage, CraigBarnhart, SimonDAlton, SarahBialik
Topic revision: r13 - 2023-01-11 - 20:06:04 - Main.DanielDeatherage
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