Predicted mutation
evidence seq id position mutation freq annotation gene description
JC JC REL606 4,092,861 IS150 (+) +3 bp 100% coding (87‑89/429 nt) yiiT → stress‑induced protein

New junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? REL606 3893554 =NA (NA)96 (1.070) 55/76 NT 100% noncoding (1/1443 nt) IS150 repeat region
?REL606 = 4092863 0 (0.000)coding (89/429 nt) yiiT stress‑induced protein
* ? REL606 = 3894996NA (NA)90 (1.030) 53/74 NT 100% noncoding (1443/1443 nt) IS150 repeat region
?REL606 4092861 = 0 (0.000)coding (87/429 nt) yiiT stress‑induced protein


Alignment Legend
Aligned base mismatch/match (shaded by quality score): ATCG/ATCG < 3 ≤ ATCG/ATCG < 33 ≤ ATCG/ATCG < 34 ≤ ATCG/ATCG < 37 ≤ ATCG/ATCG < 41 ≤ ATCG/ATCG
Unaligned base: atcg    Masked matching base: atcg    Alignment gap:     Deleted base: 
Reads not counted as support for junction
read_name Not counted due to insufficient overlap past the breakpoint.
read_name Not counted due to not crossing MOB target site duplication.