TWiki Variables » Search » Category: Users & Authentication

AUTHREALM -- authentication realm

BUBBLESIG -- show bubble box and user signature with profile picture icon

  • Syntax: %BUBBLESIG{WikiName}% or %BUBBLESIG{WikiName - YYYY-MM-DD}%
  • The parameter can be either just the WikiName of a user, or by convention the WikiName followed by a dash and the date
  • Example:
    -- %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest - 2024-10-25}%
  • Expands to:
    -- TWiki Guest - 2024-10-25
  • Category: EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables
  • Related: USERREPORT, USERSIG, UserList, UserReports (this topic)

LOGIN -- present a full login link to non-authenticated user

LOGINURL -- present a login link

LOGOUT -- present a full logout link to authenticated user

LOGOUTURL -- present a logout link

REMOTE_USER -- environment variable

SESSIONID -- unique ID for this session

SESSION_VARIABLE -- get, set or clear a session variable

  • Session variables are stored in a personal "persistent memory space" that is not lost until the web browser is closed
  • Syntax: %SESSION_VARIABLE{"name"}% - read a session variable
  • Syntax: %SESSION_VARIABLE{"name" set="value"}% - set a session variable
  • Syntax: %SESSION_VARIABLE{"name" clear=""}% - clear a session variable
  • Special read-only session variables:
    • %SESSION_VARIABLE{"AUTHUSER"}% - user ID, current value:
    • %SESSION_VARIABLE{"SESSION_REQUEST_NUMBER"}% - number of pages accessed by current user since login, current value:
  • Note: It is not possible to set/get/clear session variables starting with an underscore, such as "_NON_OF_YOUR_BUSINESS"
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables
  • Related: TWikiUserAuthentication#Sessions, AUTHREALM, GET, LOGIN, LOGOUT, SESSIONID, SESSIONVAR, SET (this topic)

USERINFO{"name"} -- retrieve details about a user

  • Syntax: %USERINFO%
  • Expands to: guest, TWikiGuest, (comma-separated list of the username, wikiusername, and emails)
  • With formatted output, using tokens $emails, $username, $wikiname, $wikiusername, $groups and $admin ($admin returns 'true' or 'false'):
    • Example: %USERINFO{ format="$username is really $wikiname" }%
    • Expands to: guest is really TWikiGuest
  • Retrieve information about another user:
    • Example: %USERINFO{ "TWikiGuest" format="$username is really $wikiname" }%
    • Expands to: guest is really TWikiGuest
    • Note: The parameter should be the wikiname of a user. Since TWiki 4.2.1, you can also pass a login name. You can only get information about another user if the {AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails} configuration option is not enabled, or if you are an admin. (User details are hidden in this TWiki)
  • Category: SystemInformationVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables
  • Related: USERNAME, WIKINAME, WIKIUSERNAME, TWikiUserAuthentication, ChangeEmailAddress (this topic)

USERNAME -- your login username

USERREPORT -- show user reports with profile pictures

  • Show various user reports documented in UserReports
  • Syntax: %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%
  • Overview of actions with parameters:
    Report action= Parameters
    Show a simple list of registered users "user_list" search, limit, sort, reverse
    Show the profile picture image of a user "profile_picture" user, height, width, title
    Show slim, one line height user boxes "slim_box_start"
    "slim_box" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show small, two line height user boxes "small_box_start"
    "small_box" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show users in business card format "business_card_start"
    "business_card" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show a selector to pick a user,
    for use in HTML forms
    "select_one_user" name, selected, users
    Show rows of checkboxes to select users,
    for use in HTML forms
    "select_users" name, selected, users, colums, style
  • Example: %USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }%
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, DevelopmentVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables
  • Related: BUBBLESIG, SEARCH, USERSIG, UserList, UserReports (this topic)

USERSIG -- show user signature with profile picture icon

WIKINAME -- your Wiki username

WIKIUSERNAME -- your Wiki username with web prefix

WIKIUSERSTOPIC -- name of topic listing all registers users

Total: 16 variables

Related Topics: TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesSearch, TWikiVariablesQuickStart

Topic revision: r1 - 2012-11-11 - TWikiContributor
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