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PDFpdf GGA_test2_6_23_2016.pdf r1 manage 1403.5 K 2016-08-15 - 17:33 DennisMishler Test of BsmBI and T7 DNA ligase procedure using NEB buffer 3.1
JPEGjpg IMG_20160623_115229529.jpg r1 manage 3864.3 K 2016-08-15 - 17:35 DennisMishler Gel of BsmB I digestion under different reaction conditions.
JPEGjpg IMG_20160811_080306611.jpg r1 manage 4584.3 K 2016-08-15 - 15:29 DennisMishler ATF1-pYTK001 GGA transformation on LB/CAM plate
JPEGjpg IMG_20160811_080312832.jpg r1 manage 4741.6 K 2016-08-15 - 15:51 DennisMishler The Positive control GGA using a gBlock from Peng.
JPEGjpg IMG_20160811_080319246.jpg r1 manage 4508.7 K 2016-08-15 - 15:51 DennisMishler The Negative control GGA using only pYTK001 with no insert.
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Contributors to this topic Edit topic KateElston, JeffreyBarrick, DennisMishler, PengGeng, GabrielSuarez, SeanLeonard
Topic revision: r9 - 2016-08-15 - 19:13:06 - Main.DennisMishler
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