The University of Texas at Austin :: iGEM Team

Official UT Austin Student Organization webpage

Joining the 2013 iGEM Team

What is iGEM/synthetic biology?

Expectations for members of the team

  1. Participate in synthetic biology course
    • Register for CH 391L: Synthetic Biology (Unique #52960).
    • The course is tentatively scheduled for Mondays 2-5 pm.
    • To register, fill out the form to "register for graduate course" from Undergraduate Chemistry Office and have Dr. Barrick sign it.
  2. Opportunity to perform research during the spring semester in the Barrick lab
    • Main objective is to learn techniques and perform exploratory projects under the supervision of current team members
    • If requested and sufficient time is spent on developing a specific project, signing up for research credit is possible.
  3. Expected to contribute 20+ hours of work per week during the summer on the iGEM project
  4. Selected students who have made the greatest contributions will attend the America regional and World Jamborees (if we advance). (Number depends on sponsorship of team and available resources. Some travel grants are available.)

How to Apply

  • Send a resume and a short (<1-page) statement about why you are interested in synthetic biology to Include at least one idea you have for a possible project or use for synthetic biology (it doesn't necessarily have to be realistic).
  • We will begin contacting students who have applied after Jan. 7th for interviews.
  • We will have a mixer as an opportunity to meet with students and advisors from last year's team right before the semester begins for students who have applied to join the team or who are interested in learning more before deciding whether to apply.
  • We encourage non-biologists to apply. Many of the most successful and interesting iGEM teams have had contributions from computer scientists, physicists, web programmers, graphic designers, and artists.

Past iGEM Team Websites

2012 iGEM Team
2006 iGEM Team
Edge Detector
2005 iGEM Team
Edge Detector
2004 iGEM Team
Bacterial Photography

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Topic revision: r4 - 2012-12-06 - JeffreyBarrick