DM: Davis-Mingioli

Growth medium used by the long-term E. coli evolution experiment.

0.5L 1L 4.4L 5L Component MW
2.67 g 5.34 g 23.32 g 26.7 g Potassium Phosphate (dibasic) K2HPO4 MW 174.18
1 g 2 g 8 g 10 g Potassium Phosphate (monobasic) KH2PO4 MW 136.07
0.5 g 1 g 4.4 g 5 g Ammonium Sulfate (NH4)2 SO4 MW 132.08
0.25 g 0.5 g 2.2 g 2.5 g Sodium Citrate (trisodium, dihydrate) Na3C6H5O7 (H2O)2 MW 294.10
Add dH2O to final volume and autoclave.

Note: 4.4 L of DM makes 8 bottles with 550 ml each.

Note: If using Potassium phosphate (dibasic) trihydrate (MW 228.22) use 7g per L

After autoclaving add the following stock solutions:

0.5L 550mL 1L 5L Component
0.5 ml 550 µl 1.0 ml 5 ml 10% (w/v) Magnesium Sulfate MgSO4 (separately autoclaved stock)
0.5 ml 1000 µl 1.0 ml 5 ml 0.2% (w/v) Thiamine (vitamin B1) (filter sterilized)

And supplement with a carbon source.

If preparing DM-glucose (MW 180.16 g/mol), add this volume of 10% glucose solution (separately autoclaved stock) to get the final concentration desired:

0.5L 550mL 1L 5L DMX [glucose] (w/v) [glucose] (mg/L) [glucose] (M)
125 µl 137.5 µl 250 µl 1.25 ml DM25 0.0025% 25 mg/L 139 µM
0.5 ml 0.55 ml 1 ml 5 ml DM100 0.010% 100 mg/L 694 µM
1.25 ml 1.375 ml 2.5 ml 12.5 ml DM250 0.025% 250 mg/L 1.39 µM
2.5 ml 2.75 ml 5 ml 25 ml DM500 0.05% 500 mg/L 2.78 mM
5 ml 5.5 ml 10 ml 50 ml DM1000 0.1% 1000 mg/L 5.55 mM
10 ml 11 ml 20 ml 100 ml DM2000 0.2% 2000 mg/L 11.1 mM

Remember: DMX = DM + X mg/L glucose. Glucose may no longer limit the final growth density above approximately DM1000.

Final composition
5.1 mM Sodium (Na+)
75.8 mM Potassium (K+)
15.2 mM Ammonium (NH4)
0.83 mM Magnesium (Mg2+)
8.41 mM Sulfate (SO42-)
45.3 mM Phosphate (PO43-)
1.70 mM Citrate
139 µM Glucose (in DM25)

This topic: Lab > ProtocolsMediaRecipes > ProtocolsRecipesDavisMingioli
Topic revision: r21 - 2024-09-10 - SophiaLin