---+ _Acinetobacter baylyi_ ADP1 Overview ---++ ADP1 Resources * [[http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&USER_FORMAT_DEFAULTS=on&PAGE=MegaBlast&PROGRAM=blastn&GAPCOSTS=0%200&MATCH_SCORES=1,-2&BLAST_SPEC=MicrobialGenomes_62977&EQ_MENU=Acinetobacter%20sp.%20ADP1%20%28taxid%3A62977%29&DATABASE=Complete_Genomes&BLAST_PROGRAMS=megaBlast&MAX_NUM_SEQ=100&SHORT_QUERY_ADJUST=on&EXPECT=10&WORD_SIZE=28&TEMPLATE_TYPE=0&TEMPLATE_LENGTH=0&FILTER=L&FILTER=m&DB_GROUP=AllMG&SUBGROUP_NAME=All_genomes&DB_SUBGROUP=Complete_Genomes&SHOW_OVERVIEW=on&SHOW_LINKOUT=on&ALIGNMENT_VIEW=Pairwise&MASK_CHAR=2&MASK_COLOR=1&GET_SEQUENCE=on&NUM_OVERVIEW=100&DESCRIPTIONS=100&ALIGNMENTS=100&FORMAT_OBJECT=Alignment&FORMAT_TYPE=HTML&OLD_BLAST=false][BLAST the ADP1 genome]] * [[http://biocyc.org/organism-summary?object=ASP62977][ADP1 gene function in BioCyc]] | [[AcinteobacterBaylyiADP1QuickReference][Quick Reference]] ---++ Antibiotic Resistance | *Antibiotic* | *MIC* | *Standard Conc.* | *Status* | *Notes* | | Ampicillin (or carbenicillin) | 128 µg/ml | 100 µg/ml | %RED%Resistant%ENDCOLOR% | | | Spectinomycin | ? | 60 µg/ml | Sensitive | | | Streptomycin | 6.25-12.5 µg/ml (escapes observed at 6.25µg/mL) | 25 µg/ml | Sensitive | Barrick Lab results (G.S.) | | Kanamycin | 12.5-6.25µg/ml (3.125µg/mL doesn't inhibit) | 50 µg/ml | Sensitive | MIC info from Barrick Lab results (G.S.) | | Chloramphenicol | 4.0 µg/ml | 20 µg/ml | Sensitive | Spontaneous resistance | | Gentamycin | 1.3 µg/ml | 5 µg/ml | Sensitive | | | Tetracycline | 1.0 µg/ml | 10 µg/ml | Sensitive | | | Rifampicin | 0.6 µg/ml | 100 µg/ml | Sensitive | Spontaneous resistance | | Nalidixic acid (mutagen/causes DNA double strand breaks) | 1.9µg/mL (no growth at 24hr, but growth at 48hr) (1µg/mL doesn't inhibit) | 3.75 µg/ml | Sensitive | Barrick Lab results (G.S.) | *Source:* Gomez MJ, Neyfakh AA. (2006) Genes involved in intrinsic antibiotic resistance of _Acinetobacter baylyi_. _Antimicrob Agents Chemother_ *50*:3562–3567. [[https://10.1128/AAC.00579-06][DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00579-06]] ---++ Plasmids Genome Resources: BLAST | BioCyc | Quick Reference
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Topic revision: r1 - 2022-03-17 - JeffreyBarrick