breseq  version 0.20  revision c633c5005425
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Read File Information

read filereadsbasespassed filtersaveragelongestmapped
errorsREL8593A7,491,391269,690,07698.6%36.0 bases36 bases94.0%
total7,491,391269,690,07698.6%36.0 bases36 bases94.0%

Reference Sequence Information

seq idlengthfit meanfit dispersiondescription
coveragedistributionREL6064,629,81255.03.0Escherichia coli strain REL606.

fit dispersion is the ratio of the variance to the mean for the negative binomial fit. It is =1 for Poisson and >1 for over-dispersed data.

Junction Evidence

reference sequencepr(no read start)

pr(no read start) is the probability that there will not be an aligned read whose first base matches a given position on a given strand.

Read Alignment Evidence

ModeConsensus/Mixed Base
Ploidy1 (haploid)
Consensus mutation E-value cutoff10
Polymorphism E-value cutoff10
Polymorphism frequency cutoff0
Polymorphism minimum coverage each strand2
Polymorphism homopolymer length cutoff3
Polymorphism bias cutoffOFF
Polymorphism predict indel polymorphisms3

Execution Times

Read and reference sequence file input07:59:58 24 Sep 201208:01:31 24 Sep 20121 minute 33 seconds
Read alignment to reference genome08:01:31 24 Sep 201208:23:24 24 Sep 201221 minutes 53 seconds
Preprocessing alignments for candidate junction identification08:23:24 24 Sep 201208:32:52 24 Sep 20129 minutes 28 seconds
Preliminary analysis of coverage distribution08:32:52 24 Sep 201208:37:30 24 Sep 20124 minutes 38 seconds
Identifying junction candidates08:37:30 24 Sep 201208:38:26 24 Sep 201256 seconds
Re-alignment to junction candidates08:38:26 24 Sep 201208:41:39 24 Sep 20123 minutes 13 seconds
Resolving alignments with junction candidates08:41:39 24 Sep 201208:49:38 24 Sep 20127 minutes 59 seconds
Creating BAM files08:49:38 24 Sep 201208:55:29 24 Sep 20125 minutes 51 seconds
Tabulating error counts08:55:29 24 Sep 201208:56:55 24 Sep 20121 minute 26 seconds
Re-calibrating base error rates08:56:55 24 Sep 201208:56:57 24 Sep 20122 seconds
Examining read alignment evidence08:56:57 24 Sep 201209:11:04 24 Sep 201214 minutes 7 seconds
Output09:11:04 24 Sep 201209:12:24 24 Sep 20121 minute 20 seconds
Total 1 hour 12 minutes 26 seconds