Publicly Archiving Data

These locations can give you accession numbers for data that may not be easily communicated as supplementary information for a research report. An advantage of submitting to these public databases is that your data will be archived in standard formats that others can use more easily.

Submitting Sequences to GenBank

The easiest way for a few sequences is to use the BankIt web submission tool.

Geneious submission tool does not properly format GenBank submissions as of v6.06 (@JEB).

Submitting Genome Sequencing Reads to the SRA

External site SRA main page
External site SRA login page
External site NCBI online SRA manual


  • You cannot change aliases in the normal upload area, so be careful to enter them correctly the first time!
  • Be sure to use the MD5 checksum for the compressed file.
  • Illumina uploads must be in Illumina 1.5+ FASTQ format, not converted to Sanger FASTQ format.


Dryad is especially good for submitting large data tables and analysis scripts (e.g., in R).

This topic: Lab > WebHome > ProtocolList > PubliclyArchivingData
Topic revision: r3 - 2013-02-14 - JeffreyBarrick