Packaging a Tool for Release

You need these environmental variables set to work with the current CVS setup:

export CVSROOT=""
export CVS_RSH="ssh"
Unfortunately, you are prompted for the password at every command with this setup.

Update your current version of the sources or commit your current changes to the repository.

> cvs commit -m "message" module

Add a revision tag to the repository. For now, use a vX_XX style.

> cvs rtag vX_XX module

Create an archive for posting on the website.

> cd <directory containing module>
> tar --exclude=.* --exclude=CVS -czvf module_vX_XX.tgz module
(The exclude statements are necessary to avoid .DS_Store files and the CVS directory.)

To Do: Switch over to Subversion.

This topic: Lab > WebHome > ProtocolList > ProcedureMakingRelease
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-09-21 - JeffreyBarrick