---+ TWiki Site Statistics %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% __NOTE:__ This is a template topic, do not change. [[%SCRIPTURL{"statistics"}%/%USERSWEB%/SiteStatistics][Update the site statistics]]. %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% <div style="%IF{ "context ChartPluginEnabled AND (%CALC{$INT(%SEARCH{ "^\| 2[0-9]" type="regex" topic="%TOPIC%" nonoise="on" multiple="on" reverse="on" format="1" separator="+" }%+0)}% >= 2)" then="display: block" else="display: none" }%"> <table border="0" cellpadding="5"><tr> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch2" data="R122:C2..R3:C2" title="Total Number of Webs" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch3" data="R122:C3..R3:C3" title="Number of Webs Viewed" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch4" data="R122:C4..R3:C4" title="Number of Webs Updated" }%</td> </tr><tr> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch5" data="R122:C5..R3:C5" title="Total Number of Topics" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch6" data="R122:C6..R3:C6" title="Number of Topics Viewed" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch7" data="R122:C7..R3:C7" title="Number of Topics Updated" }%</td> </tr><tr> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch8" data="R122:C8..R3:C8" title="Total Number of Attachments" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch15" data="R122:C15..R3:C15" title="Registered Users" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch16" data="R122:C16..R3:C16" title="TWiki Groups" }%</td> </tr><tr> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch9" data="R122:C9..R3:C9" title="Topic Views" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch10" data="R122:C10..R3:C10" title="Topic Updates" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch11" data="R122:C11..R3:C11" title="File Uploads" }%</td> </tr><tr> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch12" data="R122:C12..R3:C12" title="Data Size in MB" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch13" data="R122:C13..R3:C13" title="Pub Size in MB" }%</td> <td> %CHART{ %COMMON_CHART_PARAMS% name="ch14" data="R122:C14..R3:C14" ymax="100" title="% Disk Use" }%</td> </tr></table> %IF{ "%SERVERTIME{$mo}%<28" then="__Note:__ Incomplete data is shown for the current month." else="<nop>"}% <!-- * Set COMMON_CHART_PARAMS = type="area" table="stats" xaxis="R122:C1..R3:C1" ymin="0" yaxis="on" numygrids="9" numxgrids="11" xaxisangle="90" xgrid="off" colors="#f2563a, #eff462" bgcolor="#E7E7E7" width="330" height="170" --> ---++ Monthly Site Statistics Data </div> %TABLE{ name="stats" sort="off" }% | *Month* | *Webs%BR%Total* | *Webs%BR%Viewed* | *Webs%BR%updated* | *Topics%BR%Total* | *Topics%BR%Viewed* | *Topics%BR%Updated* | *Attach-%BR%ments* | *Topic%BR%Views* | *Topic%BR%Updates* | *Files%BR%Uploads* | *Data%BR%Size MB* | *Pub%BR%Size MB* | *Disk%BR%Use* | *Users* | *Groups* | *Plugins* | *Top Contributors* | | <!--statDate--> | <!--statWebs--> | <!--statWebsViewed--> | <!--statWebsUpdated--> | <!--statTopics--> | <!--statTopicsViewed--> | <!--statTopicsUpdated--> | <!--statAttachments--> | <!--statViews--> | <!--statSaves--> | <!--statUploads--> | <!--statDataSize--> | <!--statPubSize--> | <!--statDiskUse--> | <!--statUsers--> | <!--statGroups--> | <!--statPlugins--> | <!--statTopContributors--> | __Legend:__ <table><tr><td valign="top"> * *Webs*: Total number of webs, excluding template webs * *Webs Viewed*: Number of webs viewed * *Webs Updated*: Number of webs updated * *Topics*: Total number of topics across all webs * *Topics Viewed*: Number of topics viewed across all webs * *Topics Updated*: Number of topics updated across all webs * *Attachments*: Number of attachments in all topics * *Topic Views*: Number of topic views </td><td valign="top"> * *Topic Updates*: Number of topic updates * *Files Uploads*: Number of file uploads * *Data Size MB*: Size of all files in data directory (topics and log files) * *Pub Size MB*: Size of all files in pub directory (attachments) * *Disk Use*: Disk use in percent * *Users*: Number of users * *Groups*: Number of users * *Plugins*: Number of plugins installed, out of number of plugins available on twiki.org * *Top Contributors*: People who updated the most number of topics </td></tr></table> __Notes:__ * Do not edit this topic, it is updated automatically. [[%SCRIPTURL{"statistics"}%/%USERSWEB%/SiteStatistics][Update now]]. * When updating statistics of previous months, the following items cannot be measured and will be set to 0: Webs, Topics, Users, Data Size, Pub Size, Disk Use, Plugins. * Charts are automatically shown at the top if the %IF{ "context ChartPluginEnabled" then="%SYSTEMWEB%.ChartPlugin" else="TWiki:Plugins.ChartPlugin" }% is installed and enabled (%IF{ "context ChartPluginEnabled" then="it is" else="it is not" }%) and if there are at least two months of statistics data. !ChartPlugin version 2011-04-27 or later is required. * [[%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiSiteTools#WebStatistics][TWikiSiteTools]] explains how to enable automatic updates of the statistics pages. __Web Statistics Topics:__ %SEARCH{ "WebStatistics" scope="topic" web="all" topic="WebStatistics" nonoise="on" format="[[$web.$topic][$web]]" separator=", " limit="100" }% __Related:__ [[%SYSTEMWEB%.AdminToolsCategory][AdminToolsCategory]]
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Topic revision: r1 - 2011-05-01 - TWikiContributor
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