Find Strains, Plasmids, and Genes

Reminder: Always revive new organisms according to an established protocol and archive a lab stock of the original freeze-dried culture after it has been resuspended, in addition to the initial culture, and cultures from picked colonies.

General culture collections

Specialty strain collections

Plasmids collections

Advice for choosing strains

  • Whenever possible, choose a strain that has a complete genome sequence available. You can check by searching on the NCBI Genome Page. After you do a search, be sure to click on the link by "Organism Overview ; Genome Assembly and Annotation report [XXXX]" to see a table of all XXXX of the genomes with sequencing data. Ideally, you want ones with a level of "complete".

This topic: Lab > WebHome > ProtocolList > ProtocolsFindStrainsPlasmids
Topic revision: r3 - 2018-04-06 - SeanLeonard