Veracode Golden Gate Genotyping

How to process data from RTSF

  1. Open GenomeStudio.
  2. Create a new genotyping project.
  3. Choose the option to "Load sample intensities by selecting directories with intensity files."
  4. For "SNP manifest" select the OPA file describing the assay.
  5. For "Data" Select the GenomeStudio Data folder, then "add" the folder of data for this assay by clicking on the + next to it.
  6. Use the menu item Analysis > Reports > Wizard.
  7. Select "Final Report". Select format: Jeff. Choose Next > and Finish.

The resulting tab-delimited file can be input into Rohan's R scripts for analysis.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2010-08-23 - 17:50:49 - Main.JeffreyBarrick
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