MBB Freezer Failure

There is a backup -80 located in MBB room 1.138.
If this is full, there is a second backup -80 on the third floor hallway opposite the autoclave room.
Finally, a third backup is in the attic, access form the elevator nearest Barrick Lab will require a key from Admin desk.

If we need to move our items to any freezer follow the procedure outlined below:

1. Affix a label to the outside of the freezer stating which shelf(ves) you are using.
2. Label your materials.
3. Be aware that as the door will be opened continually it will go into alarm, which will be received by the alarm monitoring shop.
4. Please call them BEFORE you start the transfer of materials at 471.3935 to warn them that they needn't therefore call Rob (building manager) at 2.00 in the morning.

5-16-14 According to Rob the outgoing phone number for the MBB freezer is (512) 471-3344.
10-8-15 Verified as phone number

Welch Freezer Failure

Preventive maintenance

Try to minimize the amount of time that the freezer door is open; if necessary, remove the rack or box from freezer, close door, find your stuff, and return rack/box to freezer.

Maintenance checklist

Action Monthy Yearly
Check and clean probe cover, gaskets, hinges and lid(s) of ice and snow yes  
Check air filter yes  
Check condenser fan motor for unusual motor noise or vibration   yes

To clean lid gasket use a soft cloth to remove any frost build-up from the gasket, sub-lids and lids. Replace and clean lids. To clean lids use warm water to remove ice and allow to dry.

To clean air filter and/or condenser use a vacuum to remove any dust from the filter/condenser fins. Use care not to damage the condenser fins.

This topic: Lab > WebLeftBar > InternalList > FreezerFailure
Topic revision: r6 - 2015-10-09 - SimonDAlton